Placenta Beef Jerky!

My friend Abby just had her baby and requested that I post one of my FAVORITE all time placenta recipes...what I call Placenta Beef Jerky!  LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat placenta and this is a way to keep eating your placenta all year long (or share it with friends).  Abby - just one request - when we are camping next summer with the gang, bring some placenta jerky for all of us!  If you name your kid "Morel" that's cool too!

Dehydrating your placenta

Instead of cooking your placenta whole, you can dehydrate it and then add it to meals!

Cut off the cord and membranes.

Steam the placenta, adding lemon grass, pepper and ginger to the steaming water. The placenta is "done" when no blood comes out when you pierce it with a fork.

Cut the placenta into thin slices (like making jerky) and bake in a low-heat oven (200-250 degrees F), until it is dry and crumbly (several hours).

Crush the placenta into a powder - using a food processor, blender, mortar and pestle, or by putting it in a bag and grinding it with rocks.

Put the powder into empty gel caps (available at drug and health food stores) or just add a spoonful to your cereal, blender drink, etc.

The recommended doses vary, some suggest up to 4 capsules a day, others just one. Perhaps the best advice is to take what makes you feel good

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