Don't hate me, but I have decided to eat my dog.

I know that I haven't updated this blog a lot, and I apologize for that, but I have a good excuse.  My dog has continued to get very sick with this distemper and I think I may have had an epiphany last night.   This distemper thing is bad and I think it's time to get real about the fact that Mooms will not not be here forever :)   The question is "How can i incorporate this life event into my philosophy about food-for-life?"  Well, guess what? There is some good news about distemper.  Apparently it does not pose a threat to humans if ingested.  I know this is hard for some of you to swallow (pardon the pun!) but think of it this way:  I once had a professor who help up a piece of chalk and asked the class "How do you think I can make this chalk come alive?"  Then he took a big bite of the chalk and declared the chalk is coming to life!  Entering his blood stream and now a part of his living body, the chalk is part of the living world!    

Well, what better way to honor Moomie's soul - to make her a part of my living body!   Everyone talks about having a low impact on the environment, but how many of us really live that way?? When Moomie is gone, I won't be driving to the animal hospital, filling this atmosphere with greenhouse gasses along the way and spreading tiny bits of rubber tire on the road and into the groundwater and into your body for you to get some kind of distemper-cancer-like disease.  No, I will find a way to honor Moomie in my own house, with my closest friends around  me to help me prepare Moomie in a delicious, respectful, honorable, and (healthy) meal.  Jen - if you are reading this, I know that it disturbs you. That's ok.  It's ok to feel uncomfortable.

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